Three-Team Rotation

  • Each new Team Member will be assigned to one of the three Setup Teams at Grace Church: Green, Black, or Gray.
  • Each team serves two weeks in a row, with a four week break between rotations.
  • Setup begins each Sunday at 7am.
  • Setup is normally completed by 8:30-8:45. Breakdown is normally completed by 11:45-12:00pm.



  • A six-week schedule will be sent out by email to all Setup Team members each Thursday.
  • The email will list the team scheduled to serve and the theater that will be designated for worship the following Sunday.
  • If you are unable to serve on your assigned week, please inform the Setup Team coordinator as soon as possible and/or try to switch weeks with someone on a different team.


Designated Worship Theater/Unloading the Trailer

  • Normally Regal Cinemas will place us in Theater 8 (large) for worship. However, due to movie scheduling, we will occasionally be placed in Theater 1 (small).
  • When we are in Theater 8, we will partially unload the trailer at the back of the theater building, then move the trailer to the side of the theater to unload for the children’s area.
  • When we are in Theater 1, we will unload everything from the side of the theater.


Training/Assigned Setup Area

  • Team members will divide up to set up in one of two main areas: Hallway or Worship Areas.
  • Hallway Area includes: Welcome Table/Cafe, Signs, and Children’s Classrooms/Check-in.
  • Worship Area includes: Speakers, Lights, Audio Equipment, and Video Equipment.
  • On your first Sunday we will decide which area you will serve and begin “on the job” training.
  • Because of time constraints with band practice each Sunday, everyone may be needed to help with unloading in the Worship Area before moving to their assigned setup area.